Wednesday, August 03, 2011

froggy wednesday

Love is bigger and wider than the universe. So stop playing hide and seek with coz I don't have enough patience to search you. That's what on my mind today, shouted it on FB and on twitter. Oh well I spent more my time on twitter this days than FB, because I just made my mind that majority on Facebook are feelers. You know that kind of stuff, so feeling down as if their the only people on earth who have problems, feeling unloved, feeling beautiful etc. Whew! I'm thinking of deleting them hehe. But anyways, back to what I shouted, I did not really mean that stuff. Of course I know that Love is patience. What I truly mean is that, Love is wider and bigger than the universe, so everywhere you look, anytime you want love, there is love. So, don't feel so depress or suicidal whenever your heart gets broken, because love is always available, just make yourself available to love. Just got distracted aizt, but I'm glad that someone is here awhile ago, her laugh is so contagious, I want to make it as my ring back message. Nice!

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